
Our Members 


Be A Member

Singapore Waterski & Wakeboard Federation offers 3 types of Memberships – Full Member, Associate Member and Individual Member.
The membership subscription period runs from 1st April through 31st March of the following year. 

    • Full Members shall be entities registered in Singapore with the Registry of Societies (ROS) or the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) that are willing to observe the rules and regulations of SWWF.
    • Full Members shall be involved in the promotion, training and/or development of towed water sports in Singapore. 
    • Full Members shall have participated in or organized competitions, programs, courses and activities sanctioned by SWWF with at least five (5) registered participants within the last twelve (12) months. 
    • Full Members shall have at least ten (10) registered members and who are not members of another Full Member. 
    • Full Members can be a business entity provided that it does not have any direct commercial interest in towed water sports activities. Marinas are allowed to be Full Members. Waterski/wakeboard centers and proshops cannot be Full Members.
    • Full Members shall be approved by a special resolution  at an AGM, and may only exercise their voting rights at subsequent General Meetings.
    • Associate Members shall be organisations, clubs, institutions, schools, academies, business entities and Waterski teams that are willing to observe the rules and regulations of SWWF but are not eligible for Full Membership. 

Associate Members shall have no voting rights at SWWF’s General Meetings.

  • All Associate memberships shall be approved by the Board.

    • An Individual Member shall be any person above twelve (12) years of age, who is willing to observe the rules and regulations of SWWF. Applicants who are below eighteen (18) years of age must have the written consent of their parent or guardian.
    • Only Individual Members who have a valid membership may be entered into SWWF’s athletes database and selected to represent Singapore as an athlete. *Subjected to selection policies. Applicable to Singaporean Citizens only.
    • All Individual memberships shall be approved by the Board. Please submit your application via this registration form.

Application for membership may be rejected on any of the following grounds:

  1. The applicant does not satisfy all the relevant membership criteria set out in the relevant membership category.
  2. The applicant has been convicted of an offence involving moral turpitude, declared a bankrupt, wound up or dissolved.
  3. Where accepting the applicant would in the Board’s absolute discretion be deemed prejudicial to the interest of SWWF as a whole.